Saturday, January 1, 2022

Snowflakes Everywhere!


Happy 2022!  New Year's Eve arrived; I got a message that the Big & Bold Snowflake Die from Colorado Craft Company I purchased to go with the stamp arrived . . . three days early!! Woo!  So, I spent the day making a batch of cards!

But before I go farther, I want to give credit to a FB Post from Traci Lynn Jenkins that inspired me. I PM'd her, saying hers was the kind of card I saw and wanted to buy every element to CASE her idea and make for myself, so after a couple of days of waiting, I did.  (I hope you can relate!) My biggest challenge was the embossing folder!  I scoured the internet for a snowflake embossing folder because I loved Traci's so much.  I'm not certain I have her folder, but I really like the pattern in the one I bought. 

Friday's delivery of the snowflake die was the final piece to my puzzle, so I got started!  I pulled out my Distress Inks and Distress Oxide Inks for the snowflakes, using a combination of Pumice Stone, Speckled Egg, and alternating Tumbled Glass, Salty Ocean, and Faded Jeans. My time quickly turned into a "playing around" session.  As I got going, my brain went to, "What if I do this?" and off I went deep into the creative process.  I made a combination of multi-layered cards and some one-layer cards.  Most of the snowflakes used the distress inks and then clear embossing powder on top.  Then I tried white embossing powder and sponged the background, which morphed into adding flicks of acrylic paints, and Distress stains!!  I finally had to rein in the play to get some cards finished.  What you see here is a sampling of my collection.  I still have to add some embellishments to this collection - likely sequins so I can mail them easily.  They are going to some folks I didn't get Christmas cards out to.  

By the way - this is the first CCC die I have purchased.  I've resisted because they were a little on the expensive side, but the dies cut out intricacies within the images and not just around the outside!  I can see why they are a little more money.

I hope you have some "play" time in the first month of 2022.  We all need it! Pop by Traci's FB post and leave her a little love.  I am grateful for her inspiration!
In kindness, Cathy


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